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Wilmington, Delaware  U.S.A. 19901
Tel: 1-302-123-7777
Axon-II pf-NCS testing is a non-invasive test that can determine where pain originates from
with a high degree accuracy. Faster diagnosis leads to faster, more effective treatment. The
right diagnosis the first time saves on multiple tests and reduces trials of expensive
medications with potential side effects.
Axon-II pf-NCS Technology

One of the main reasons the Axon-II technology is much more accurate than EMG/NCV and other tests is that it is based on measuring the voltage causing the Voltage-Gated Na and K Channels of the nerve membrane to initiate an action potential (nerve conduction).

Please visit the White Paper research section for current research.
Textbook for Pain Electrodiagnostics: Evidence Based Medicine
Benefits of using Axon II as a diagnostic tool in the practice setting:
-Medical documentation of the nerve(s) generating pain or are pathological
-Justification for chronic pain management supporting
meaningful use
-No needles, Q-tips only; higher patient compliance
-Can change treatment options
(See Carney Paper)
Let us show you how to implement this technology into your practice. Contact us.